This past weekend, I and seven other students attended the Fall General Assembly sponsored by the Student Senate of the CA Community College (SSCCC). It was held at the Double Tree Hotel in San Jose. My new favorite thing is Double Tree Chocolate Walnut cookies. Soo good! My other new favorite thing is this whole idea of the Student Senate General Assemblies. This was my first time attending the annual conference. I usually would send two students by themselves. This year, I decided to join them. I am really glad I did and that we sponsored more then just two students.
The Student Senate group of student leaders really impressed me. Through out the assembly, my students joined many other students from 74 out of the 110 community colleges to write resolutions, attend workshops, run for senator-at-large positions (there were 25 candidates alone!) and vote on 22 different resolutions. The resolutions address counseling needs such as more freshmen seminars, support towards equity and diversity regarding the Umoja Community and AB540 programs, decreasing international student fees, student involvement at the Board of Trustee level and Environmental/Sustainability issues. There were 6 resolutions alone addressing sustainability issues! My students alone presented 5 resolutions.
As I watch the students’ debate, take action and network across college campuses, I kept thinking that the media needs to be here. Today’s community college students are putting a new face to who the community college student is. The community college student is no longer lost or unmotivated. Today’s community college students are serious about their education. They are willing to learn and can be an inspiration for us all.
To find out more about the action being taken at the CA statewide level by community college students, visit the Student Senate web site at