Know “your” Accrediation Chapter


Greetings fellow student affairs professionals!
At some point in your career, you will be asked to write a specific chapter for the institution’s accreditation report. Accreditation comes every 6 years. At the community college level in CA, the area of Student Life often is given the Accreditation standard: II.B.3.b. The institution provides an environment that encourages personal and civic responsibility, as well as intellectual, aesthetic, and personal development for all of its students.

It is spring break on my campus, and I FINALLY found the time time to get my chapter done.

My advice for you, read another college’s chapter, make an outline, and realize you will probably have to make time out of the office to get it done. Between student government meetings, planning commencement, and updating your department’s website, finding the time to write the chapter you are in charge of will be hard to find. But you know what, you will get it done :)


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