Thank you

Sometimes being a grad student, life can be very stressful, exciting and unknown. One day you feel like you have it all under control, and then the next day you are wondering how are you going to get all these assignments done. If there is one thing I have learned, it is the importance of letting others around in on the action. Take time to lean on family, friends, partners, cohort members and co-workers for support and encouragement. Here are a few thank you’s I want to share:

  • Matthias, thank you for making me laugh, and giving me a hug when I most need it.
  • Missy, thanks for always listening to when I call and for being the best sister I could ever ask for.
  • Mom and Dad, thanks for believing me and checking in on me when I most need it.
  • Maria and Marta, thanks for always asking me “how are you doing?” because, i know you really care and mean it.
  • To my awesome cohort: Tira, Heather, Shawna, Liz, Susie and Eirn. Ladies, thanks for being part of this amazing experience. You all rock and are going to finish this program with me!
  • I want to thank my students who follow through on their responsibilies. It makes it so much easier on me as I balance work and school.
  • I want to thank my health body and my car. Without you two..I could not do it!
  • Universe, thank you for all the beauty that surrounds me and the life you have provided for me.

Sharing student stories

I realized today that lately I hardly share stories about my students with friends or family. If I do, it’s usually a stressful one. So, here is some fun stories about my current group of students.

  • Today, I went to Home Depot with one of my students to buy wood to build a closet for next tuesday’s event: National Coming Out Day. The best part about the trip was fitting 2 96 inch long and 37 inch wide sheets of wood through the trunk of my Acura. And of course, having to tie down the back because the wood was hanging out the trunk. Hillarious. Only a Student Advisor would attempt to do such a crazy thing.

Zadie Smith “On Beauty”

Today’s high: Reading “Time is how you spend your love” written by Zadie Smith. I just started her book. On Beauty was recommended to me by a woman at Readers Books in Sonoma. I was returning a novel that I just could not get into and the woman recommended On Beauty. I love being part of local bookstores. I also love it when a line in a book stops you. Wakes you up.


The return to Green Tea

This week in Life, I returned to drinking Green Tea in the morning. Since Christmas in Zamora, Mexico (2004), I have been drinking coffee every morning. I have enjoyed the sweet taste of coffee and time. There is something about taking the time to drink a full cup of coffee while reading the local paper or looking out the window at your neighbors. I will miss it. How is life with Green Tea? Right now, the focus is on not to get that crazy headache that comes with no coffee. So far, so good.


Welcome to Cafevic

I am Victoria and this is my home page. I am excited to share with you parts of my life, what I recently have discovered regarding music, novels, family, friends, life and of course Grad School!
I currently am a graduate student in the College Student Affairs program at Azusa Pacific University. I am in my 2nd year. As part of my graduate program, I will be using my blog to post assignments and highlights from my research for the field of Student Affairs. Enjoy!