Keep leaning, keep refocusing, then sit up straight and enjoy.
2013 brought the Lean In movement into my life. Since it started in March, I’ve had many conversations about this idea of leaning in. Some have been about how Lean In is a great motivator. I started blogging about how the Lean In movement is not only about careers but could also be about motherhood. I’ve also said that the Lean In movement might simply be the idea that now we, especially women, need to lean in more because we are still not doing enough in our careers.
I say let “leaning in” simply be about refocusing. I say it’s about seeing what you have already been doing and being proud. Too often do I feel that we do so much in our daily lives that we don’t even realize how much we already lean in to.
As you welcome 2014, ask yourself, maybe even keep reminding yourself, what the things are in your life which you want to lean into more – and what the things are that you need to back away from. Then sit up straight, just because that feels really good on your back, and enjoy.
Keep leaning into your favorite part of love.
Keep leaning into hope.
Keep leaning into the unknown. Not the worry of “What if”, but the “What if we tried this…”
Keep leaning into your strengths. The ones that make you happy.
Keep leaning into your child. Watch, see what they are really trying to tell you, show you.
Keep leaning into that place you have always wanted to travel to. My good friend just moved to England, so I know where I’m heading next.
Keep leaning into your education. Sometimes all you need to do is start and sometimes all you need to do is finish.
Lean in and give thanks because you can. Because you are here today and you can.
Lean back because you need to.
Life always finds a way of working out.
Your path, my path, it will surprise you.
I’m already amazed.