The Mom Support Lesson


2 Lessons for New Mom’s (There are many! But here are two that are worth learning)

Lesson 1: JOIN A MOM”S SUPPORT GROUP: I’m coming up on 2 months of being a new mom and I would have to say, the best lesson I’ve learned is finding a mom’s support group. I joined the Thursday 11am, new born to 5 months mom’s group at the Parent Center located at Keller’s Children Store in San Rafael. It has been really great to share what has been going on with Sam, along with getting advice on sleep patterns, nursing and his up-coming shots. Their web site is

Lesson 2: GIRL PALS: In the September 2009 issue of Pregnancy, author Sasha Brown Worsham, talks about the 5 Gal Pals every new mom should have. After reading her article, I’ve started to look at my girlfriends in a new whole light. Here is a highlight from the article. Hope it helps you!
Girlfriend 1: The Supportive Fellow Mom, “I’ll watch the kids,” she says with a smile, and you know you will return the favor”
Girlfriend 2: The Fun, Still-Single Girlfriend: She reminds you that sometimes discussing the latest celebrity fashion faux pas is all you need to shake a rut.
Girlfriend 3: The One Who Tell It Like It is: She talks you off the mommy ledge and hands you your bootstraps.
Girlfriend 4: The Motivator: She walks you through losing the baby weight, plans trips to the museum, and reminds you to keep moving even when you want to sleep.
Girlfriend 5: The Mommy Peer: Her child is the same age as yours. Bring cookies to play dates and you’ll be friends for life.

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