Victoria Estrella Worch
Azusa Pacific University
Master of Education in College Student Affairs.
Graduate Program Description of Courses
(Recently, the program added one more course requirement and changed the degree to Master of Science in College Counseling and Student Development. I completed the additional course, “Career Counseling and Development” in Feb. 2010.)
I have completed the following graduate courses:
CSA 575
Quantitative Analysis in College Student Affairs (3)
Students explore the basic elements of descriptive and inferential statistics, and use a statistical software package to develop computer skills necessary for quantitative analysis. The application of data analysis to student affairs practice is emphasized. It is strongly recommended that students complete this course prior to enrolling in CSA 592 Program Evaluation and Research Methods.
CSA 551
Introduction to College Student Affairs (3)
An introduction to and overview of the field of college student affairs is offered with emphasis upon its historical and philosophical foundation, its basic documents, and its primary objectives within American colleges and universities. Students survey and analyze the typical programs and services which the college student affairs field delivers within American colleges and universities.
CSA 552
The Process of Adult Development (3)
Students study and critique selected human development theories relevant to the process of being and becoming an adult. An overview of models for translating theory to practice and assessment techniques to be applied to individuals, groups, and the environment is provided.
CSA 567
The Role of Diversity in Student Affairs Practice (3)
This course introduces the attitudes, beliefs, values, skills, knowledge, and self-awareness necessary for student affairs professional to serve diverse student populations.
CSA 571
Student Learning in the Co-Curriculum (3)
Students are exposed to a dual study of theory and research pertaining to human learning and the design of effective learning experiences and environments. Needs analysis, specification of objectives, program design, implementation and evaluation, theory to practice dysfunctions, and exploration of contextual variables in practice are addressed.
CSA 543
Legal and Ethical Issues in College Student Affairs (3)
This course provides an examination of the major legal and ethical issues confronting contemporary student affairs professionals. Emphasis is placed on federal regulations and mandates, constitutional issues, tort liability, contractual relationships, distinctions between public and private sector institutions of higher education, and ethical standards of the student affairs profession.
CSA 583
Counseling Issues and Practice (3)
Conflict, crisis, and dysfunctional behavior on the college campus are examined. Specific attention is given to the key issues relevant to culturally diverse student populations, including prejudice, substance abuse, promiscuity, suicide, cults, and eating disorders. An opportunity for the development of skills applicable to college student affairs roles is provided through laboratory experience/practice.
CSA 562
Today’s College Students (3)
Students are provided with a review and analysis of the ecology of college students in contemporary American higher education. Student characteristics, subcultures, values, beliefs, lifestyles, and other critical variables are examined in relation to assessment methods and policy/program implications.
CSA 553
Administration in College Student Affairs (3)
Strategies, techniques, and issues related to the organization and administration of college student affairs’ functions and divisions are stressed. Organizational structure, staff selection, training, supervision, budgeting, planning, policy development, and leadership as well as program implementation and evaluation are addressed.
CSA 563
Counseling: The Helping Relationship (3)
This course includes an introduction to and overview of various theoretical approaches to the helping relationship and an examination of helping techniques (with culturally diverse populations) as applied through advising, crisis intervention, and consultation roles. Behavior development and change as an interpersonal process is addressed. Practice in role-playing situations involving various helping and human relations skills is included.
CSA 598
Special Topics: Strength Implementation in Higher Education (3)
This course will introduce a strengths-based philosophy for higher education. Applications of strengths-based philosophy for personal development, leadership, individual student development, student team development, and institutional culture change will be discussed. Students will develop curricula for strengths implementation into both the curriculum and co-curriculum.
CSA 581
Foundations of Higher Education (3)
Students explore and analyze the various purposes served by American colleges and universities and the principal policy questions currently confronting these institutions. Classic works and events that have influenced professional thought, public opinion, and policy related to higher education are addressed.
CSA 592
Program Evaluation in College Student Affairs (3)
This course provides an introduction to basic concepts, principles, and methods of evaluation and research in the social sciences. Problem identification, research/ program design, instrument development, data collection techniques, fundamental statistical tests, cost/benefit analyses, and interpretation of findings are addressed. Critical analysis of relevant literature is emphasized.
CSA 573
Career Counseling and Development (3)
This course provides a comprehensive review of career theory, as well as resources and techniques utilized in assisting individuals to make informed educational and career choices. An exploration of changing concepts of work and careers and their implications for career counseling are emphasized. A focus on the relationship of career to other issues of counseling and development is addressed.
Source of information: Master of Education College Student Affairs (now known as Master of Science in College Counseling and Student Development) Course Offerings