Motherhood Check In


Reading: Parenting Magazine
my son hanging out on my IKEA EKTORP Chair that I got in Fall 2007. I remember how much I wanted this chair. I never imagined that I would have a child who would call it home. Pretty cool feeling.
Thankful for: having my husband’s help and support. Especially when he stays positive and supports me spending time with new and old friends.
Looking forward to: Labor day weekend. I will be flying with my son and my sister to see my grandma in Southern CA. It will be the first time grandma gets to see my son in person.
Motherhood Lesson: Feeding a toddler is hard but you have to keep trying. Keep asking them and offering.
A few tips that are helping me enjoy Motherhood:
Take a day trip anywhere, zoo, beach, even to Target. Having an adventure with your child is the best was to laugh and be present.
2) Find a way to handle the worry. Maybe it is writing it down in a journal, talking it out, or just giving yourself the benefit of the doubt that do make great decisions. I never imagined that I would worry about small things like getting him to eat, to living in a place with a great school district. Worry is there but it doesn’t have to take over your daily thoughts.

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