Spring Break 09


I realized this morning that one year ago this week, was also Spring Break, and I had spent that week finishing my capstone (the portfolio section of my blog). When I think back I remember it being a lot of work! I had fun though. I had to organizing all my essays, upload examples, photos, etc. I sure learned a lot about pdf.

A year later though, I am happy to share that this Spring Break I spend the week catching up with friends and family. Here are a few high lights:

  • Playing chicken foot dominoes with my sister and Grandma Grace in Tustin Ca.
  • Hiking with Maria and having this amazing clear view from the top of the Sonoma Overlook trail
  • Randomly playing bowling on a Wednesday afternoon with my Dad in Grass Valley
  • Watching Lost with my parents and seeing them totally understanding the plot and having a blast, while I am totally “lost” (he he)
  • Text messages Matthias while he is chilling at GDC (Gaming Development Conference) in S.F., feeling pretty lucky


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