Good bye Yuna

Matthias and I lost one of our birds this past weekend. His name was Yuna. He had been with Matthias since he moved to CA about four years ago. The weird thing is Matthias and I thought there was something going on with him. For the last week, all he wanted to do was get out of the cage and fly. Last Wednesday night he sat with us while we watched Til Death. On Tuesday, he was groomed by our newest bird Gwen. Yuna is the second bird we have lost in 6 month. Each time this happens, I think to myself, I need to slow down. I rush out the door. If there was one thing I could change about my life right now, it would be to slow down. If I am late, I am late. This week, I am going to try connecting rather then getting one more thing done. I will check back next week and let you know how I did. We will miss you Yuna.


Just finish it

Number one rule in grad school: just finish it. Another crazy 15 source lit review done. Now on to the next part, the focus group! It is amazing that while advising my students, managing the office and watching American Idol, I am achieving a qualitative research project. Down the road, I hope I say “Only in Grad School” was life this STRESSFUL! Favoriate day of the week: Sundays. No to-do list day!!


Day Light Savings Time

So, we lost one hour today. But in reality, we gain one more hour of sunshine. Thanks to Day Light Savings Time, you get one more hour of sunshine to be outside hiking, walking, or to drive to the store for this week’s breakfast food. Or to find yourself with more energy to finish homework or blog, when you really are suppose to be heading off to bed. Like I am right now…

For all of us who be zombies at work this week, hang in there. Just remember, when you get off work, there will be an extra hour of sunshine or evening energy for you to take advantage of and do whatever you want! Or take a nap…since you probably went to bed late.

Cool beans. This week I looking forward to finishing my latest paper, prepping for my student focus group for next weekend, and watching America’s Top Model.

blog post Prayer


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” by Marianne Williamson



Inspired by my fellow co-hort member Shauna’s blog.


Green Tea

American Idol (I’m hooked)

Listening to music on the way to work


Snooze button.


Coordinating the annual student government African American Celebration Dinner. This was the week for the dinner and it sold out! Over 225 people came out for free soul food, live theatre and great company.


Running out of time to enjoy lunch break.

Uncomfortable shoes.

Feeling overwhelmed.

People lying.

Feeling cold.


Ash Wednesday

Have you decided yet what you will give up or let go of? In my office I have a candy bowl that keeps me connected to my students. Often times, my daily highs are when a student comes in for some candy and ultimately let me know how they are doing.

During Lent, I remove the candy and replace it with tiny pictures that have a word on the back of them. I was just thinking, what is Lent really about. Is it about “giving up something” like chocolate or could it have an intention such as “let something go”?

For this Lent, I want to let go of doing more and focus on the joy happening right now.

Speaking of enjoyment, Missy took me wedding dress shopping last weekend. It was so much fun and meant a lot to me. Thanks Miss!


Saying yes to it all

Matthias and I are getting married! 8 months from today. He asked me in the middle of a labyrinth in Sonoma. One of the places we went to on our first date. I loved it. I said yes and we spent the rest of the evening walking the streets of the Sonoma Plaza. It was Christmas Day in the evening. Not a soul around. As we walked hand in hand we promised that we would reach out to each other when we needed to the most. That we would try to reach out to friends when times were tough and life was busy with work and school and we couldn’t be there in person. Most importantly, we saw how sharing our lives made all the difference in the world. Our wedding date will be Saturday, Oct. 13, 2007.

How am I doing it all?  I’m taking it one week at a time and ordering champagne when I can.


It was a great party!

My 30th birthday party was a blast. I want to thank everyone who was able to make it. We all enjoyed sparkling apple cider, a few different kinds of red wine and lots of cheese. Carmen, Christine and I got our grove on when the best of the 90’s hip hop music came on over the stereo. For background music, I chose a 90’s theme. Through out the party we were all trying to remember who the artists were. My mom was a HUGE help, I could not have down with out her. She helped me clean and put all the meats and cheese trays together. The best part was she picked up 10 extra wine glasses so everyone at the party had their own glass. Thanks Mom! Here are a few of my favorite pictures. (Pictures under the cut)


A Gift to Myself

Yahoo! Another graduate course finished! Thanks again to Matthias, all the faculty I worked with, the staff at the Student Health Center, and college police and my boss Oscar for all your support. My counseling issues and practice course helped me develop new skills in the area of crisis and college mental heath. Cool beans, now I can offically celebrate turning 30.


Turning 30

This coming week, I turn 30. My birthday is on Friday, January 26. I am excited. But most of all, I am looking forward to enjoy all I have been working towards. I never was the kind of person who lived by “must do before I turn 30”. However, there is something about coming on to the 30 and feeling that I can now slow down, look back and be proud. Its funny, I thought that when you turn 30 you might be thinking about all the stuff you didn’t do. Instead, you start to think about all you achieved and how much the next ten years are all yours to do what ever you want. Sweet!