Graduates should have the personal skills necessary to relate effectively with students as individuals. Specifically, students should be able to
a. assess the developmental and personal needs of individual college students;
b. make positive contributions to the personal development and learning of individual students;
c. assist students in accessing and utilizing a wide range of services and programs designed to benefit them.
Evidence One
Personal Counseling Outline/Chart
During the CSA 563 Counseling: The Helping Relationship course, I developed a personal counseling and question guide. The chart showed six pictures used to remind me how I can create a safe space in my office. The first step showed a picture of a candy bowl. The second step was a picture of a stop sign to remind me to “Stop what I am doing”. Third step was a picture of a question mark to remind me to “Ask, how R u?”. The forth step was a picture of a seat to remind me to “Offer them a seat”. The fifth step was a picture of a door to remind me to “Close my office door”. The final step was a picture of an ear to remind me to “Look at the student and listen.
The question guide is used to assess a student’s situation and provide support to the student. When a student wants to quit student government, a class or planning a campus event I assess the situation by asking HALT: H for Are you hungry? A for Are you angry? L for Are you lonely? And T for Are you tired? Both the counseling chart and question guide have been very helpful and a big hit. The professor of the class, Ann Hamiliton asked if she could use my charts as examples for future classes. Click here to view the chart: Personal Counseling Outline/Chart
Evidence Two
Annual CLUB RUSH and Student Service Showcase
Each fall and spring semester, my office organizes CLUB RUSH and the Student Service Showcase. The two day event is held the third week of the semester. During the college hour, thirty tables are set up in the quad. Each table is filled with either a new or old club recruiting new members and fundraising. Other tables are filled with Student Service programs such as the Student Health Center, Career Center, Transfer Center, Financial Aid and General Counseling. CLUB RUSH and Student Service Showcase are used for students to connect and access the wide range of programs and services designed to benefit them. Click here to see past CLUB RUSH poster: Annual CLUB RUSH and Student Service Showcase
Evidence Three
Latinas Struggling with Racial Integration vs. Racial Segregation in Higher Educational Workshop
During the 2005 CA Latina Leadership conference at Skyline Community College, NVC Spanish Instructor/ Latina Club advisor Maria Villagomez and I worked together to present a workshop about Latinas not socially integrating while in college. Maria and I are good friends. Through our research for the workshop we discovered that we have an uncommon relationship. I am white. She is Mexican American.
At our workshop we had 25 Latinas and five advisers present. The workshop started with having the woman write about an inter-ethic friendship that have or had. If they did not have one, then they were asked to write about why not. The workshop continued with a PowerPoint showing research about why Latinas were not integrating. The workshop concluded with a group discussion where the girls shared personal stories related to the writing exercise. Click here to view the workshop PowerPoint: Latinas Struggling with Racial Integration vs. Racial Segregation in Higher Educational Workshop