As I finished my second week back at work, I found myself wanting to have clear reasons on why I was going to work and not staying home with Sam. I think any working mother could agree, if you have to work or are choosing to work, the best way to handle the separation from your baby is have a really good reason. So, what is mine? I have some simple reasons: travel money so we can take Sam to Germany next summer and money towards the down payment for our future home so Sam has a back yard to run around in. Those are great reasons, but as summer approaches and life slows down, I need to take this time to develop a clear vision of why I want to be a working mom. I do know something, this week, I loved being able to say “It’s 5:30, got to go”. I think I was even more efficient at work because I knew there was no time at home to do any extra work. And the time I did have with Sam was even more special to me.