I love working on a college campus. I love that I get to experience the first day of school twice a year. Remember what it was like on the first day of school? You got to wear a new out fit or got the chance to see your friends again. What about meeting a new teacher or buying text books?
This week was the first week of Spring Semester classes. Part of my job is to coordinate the information tables. At the tables, campus volunteers give out campus maps, coffee and doughnuts. It is such a joy to help a student find their way to class. It’s also a great way to make a student feel welcome and connected to the campus. To take a college class is truly a choice. For some, it might feel like there is nothing else to do, or parents expect it or you have to do it for your job. But in the end, you make the choice to get out of bed and come to class.
This week, I also got the chance to present my mental health workshop assignment for my Counseling Issues and Practice course. I did not have to present my workshop but there was something inside me that encouraged me to present at Flex Day. I did and it felt so great to share all the knowledge I have been learning in this graduate program with staff and faculty at the college. For the first time, I really felt like an expert in the field. Yahoo! All this work is paying off!